Sunday, July 15, 2012

I'm LATE!!!!! (In more ways than one!)

OK.....I didn't get to my monthly post last month because I hadn't figured out how to make my BIG announcement. I found out that I was pregnant and so I was nervous about what was going to happen and how this surgery was going to affect the pregnancy. I hit my 5 month surgiversary and bam.....well lets just reiterate this surgery DOES affect your fertility!!!!!!! At least it really affected mine! ;) I made it to 220lbs. and now I have stayed there for about two months. I have had to go back onto my insulin, because growing a baby means I have to be really well controlled with my blood sugars. I have not had to take even close to the amounts that I use to take with my other pregnancies. So far this has been less intense than having my other kids so far. I am considered high risk for my age, my diabetes and for having this surgery not so long ago, but I haven't had to see so many different specialist this time. Sometime around the middle to end of January we will be getting a new little person to add to the chaos of our family. We are excited and about all I am praying for right now is for this baby to have stick straight hair!!!!!! ;) The OB doctor said that I might continue to lose weight but towards the end of the pregnancy I could gain. I just know I won't be gaining the standard 60 lbs. I gained with my other two. So far I have gained about 3-4 lbs. and I can live with that.