Sunday, August 12, 2012

Post op and pregnancy

Since I have found out that I am pregnant way earlier than I should have been after having surgery (they say to wait 18 months) I have been doing pretty good. Concerns in the beginning were things such as keeping my food down and getting enough calorie intake to support the growing baby. I haven't had too many problems with vomiting since having the surgery, the only time it happens is when I eat too fast(not chewing my food) and eat too much. The baby is growing fine and so far the Doctors are happy with how I am doing. I weighed 220 when I found out I was expecting and I have gained about 2-4 lbs so far.....amazing to me! My previous pregnancies I gained anywhere from 60-70lbs.....yikes! We are excited to learn if the baby will be a boy or a girl...and I am anxious to get to the end and see if I have another big baby or if Ryann was a fluke because of all the medication I was taking! ;) Ryann weighed in at 10lbs 3oz....but my Wes was only 6lbs. I am praying that the saying each baby you have gets bigger is NOT true.....heaven help me if I have a bigger baby! Sadly I realized that when I go out to the doctor for my one year surgiversary I will be 8 months pregnant.....I don't think my before and after pics will be all that great! ;) Maybe I can have him wait to do the before and after until after I have the 6 months after! LOL
 Here is peanut....growing like crazy. :)