Thursday, December 15, 2011


So...after all the weirdness of food shopping and cooking for my family some of my old favorites. Plus with the help of a much needed comment left on a previous post.(Thanks Jeanette!!!) I have been trying to reprogram and basically brainwash my old ways of thinking. Yes it is hard to watch my loved ones now shovel heaping amounts of food in the mouth, but it is because I see how toxic this behavior can be. I am not going to idly stand by and watch it continue. My husband likes having dinner and such when he gets home, and I am more than happy to accommodate this, but it is now going to be on my terms. We are ALL going to enjoy this new lifestyle change. :) I was being selfish before in just thinking that this was just happening to me. No, this is happening to my whole family and we all need to make the appropriate adjustments and changes to live a better life together. :) Sometimes it takes a nice reminder to put you back on track with what the whole goal and purpose behind your actions is really about. So just keep anxiously awaiting the big reveal number for my first official weigh-in at the two week check-up. After that I will do more regular weigh-ins, I am just being dramatic...LIKE ALWAYS! I will add monthly pics too...won't that be fun...haha.

1 comment:

  1. That's the ticket, Ginger! Hope all is going well for you. :)
    ~ Jeanette
