Friday, December 9, 2011

Post surgery update...

Well Monday I had surgery to rearrange my guts. It went well and I can say that I didn't feel a thing until I was suppose to. Way to go Mr. Anesthesiology! I stayed pretty calm going into surgery which for me was a real feat in itself. Everything else afterward went pretty much like it should. Water diet it the first hours after surgery, clear liquid diet the next few days. So far so good. The first bump in the road has been trying to tolerate the liquid diet. I haven't been able to move onto this phase very well yet, so I am kinda at 1/2 clear liquid 1/2 liquid. Which means I have 1 oz. of jello or broth and try 1oz. of something from the liquid diet. yogurt didn't make the list, but string cheese did OK and cottage cheese was tolerable. It feels so weird looking at my minuscule meals and think that I am full and not starving afterwards. I actually feel sickly looking at my family while they shovel much larger quantities of food in their mouths. I know that this is a temporary phase that I am going is just so weird to describe. I really have had to catch myself from alienating my family by saying things like..."You're going to EAT ALL of that???" and "You haven't had enough ALREADY??" I know my life is changing drastically, but I really hope that my family survives the huge transformation in me and my eating habits. I am not stepping on a scale until my official two week check-up so you all will have to wait until then to hear the big number. :) The one down side to the surgery is my new friend....the oxygen tank, which is huffing and puffing away in the laundry room. I didn't have the best o2 saturation numbers when I left, so they sent me home with oxygen to use at night and when I lay down. But I don't think I will need it much longer. Took my first walk outside yesterday afternoon and it felt GREAT!!!!! I just walked up to my neighbors house and back, but oh it felt sooooo nice to walk outside and breathe fresh air. I am thankful for all the people who have really been helping me out during this past week. My parents helped me with the kids while Lewis was with me during the surgery. My ward family has been helping by bringing in some meals for my family to eat, I haven't even begun to deal with cooking yet. I have such sweet visiting teaching ladies who have made sure that I have been taken care of. All my friends who have called and checked up on me through FB and sent out the prayers, I really appreciate all the thoughts! So now I just keep swimming and it will all work out! :)

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